Sandstone Headstones

Sandstone Headstones

Pennant Sandstone quarried in South Wales and the Forest of Dean is a hard-wearing, durable sandstone, ideal for memorials and headstones. It cuts very crisply and so is very well suited to deeper relief carvings and lettering.

Pennant sandstone comes in a variety of colours: grey-green, blue-grey and mixed colour. It is also possible to source a red sandstone, either locally or from St Bees in Cumbria.

Another sandstone that I use in memorial work is York Stone, which again is very durable. It is a regular buff colour with a close-grained texture.
Headstone with carved wren and foliage
Grey-green Forest of Dean sandstone
Detail of carved and painted leaves on grey-green
sandstone headstone
Red sandstone headstone with
sailing boat carving
Natural-faced sandstone headstone
with inscription painted after carving
Headstone carved in Forest of Dean
grey-green sandstone
Red sandstone headstone with Tree 
of Life carving
Large recumbent memorial in grey-green
Forest of Dean sandstone
Detail of Celtic cross carving on large recumbent
Forest of Dean sandstone memorial
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